Ann Lenczewski


Minnesota angel investment tax credit to launch in late July

The wait is nearly over. Minnesota’s newly passed $60 million angel investment tax credit will officially debut the week of July 19.  That’s when the state Department of Employment and Economic Development  (DEED) will start accepting applications from investors and start-ups hoping to be certified for the program. “DEED is developing and testing the back […]


Republican novice takes on Minnesota House Tax Committee chair

One of the more intriguing races in Minnesota this fall concerns state District 40B in Bloomington, outside of the Twin Cities. There, Republican newbie Sanu Patel-Zellinger is challenging longtime Democrat incumbent Rep. Ann Lenczewski. Patel-Zellinger is unlikely to unseat Lenczewski- you don’t get re-elected five straight times without knowing what you’re doing. But Patel-Zellinger’s campaign […]

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Angel tax credit reshapes Minnesota’s innovation culture

The $50 million angel tax credit passed by the Minnesota legislature Monday will no doubt provide much-needed early stage capital for young start-ups. But the law’s biggest benefit may not be dollars and cents, but rather how outsiders see Minnesota and how Minnesota sees itself. By passing the bill quickly in the legislative year and […]


Watered-down angel tax credit

Passing an angel investment tax credit in Minnesota is not important just for the dollar amount but to signal to investors in the Midwest, and indeed the rest of the country, that our state is a serious place to do business; that we are ready to embrace (finally) a commonly accepted way to spur investment […]


Angel tax credit just $10 million short of finish line

For all of her fierce opposition to angel tax credits, Rep. Ann Lenczewski (D-Bloomington) now has a more pressing issue to focus on: how to pay for them. Legislative sources say the question has moved beyond passing the bill to financing it. By one estimate, the credit enjoys the support of 100 lawmakers in the […]


Minnesota House Tax Chair and angel credit foe embraces… an angel credit

Last week, Rep. Ann Lenczewski and House Speaker Margaret Kelliher held a press conference to tout a jobs creation bill. First item on the 26-page bill: a three year, $9 million tax credit to investors and funds with a heavy focus on "green" companies. To receive the credit, regional investment funds must devote 50 percent of its money toward "qualifying green job small businesses."

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